this is me now

April 10, 2009

Surfin’ and Searchin’

Filed under: about me,Entertainment — by heatherdc @ 11:44 am

The computer screen is officially my daytime pal – as of the last three weeks and for at least the next six weeks. I’ve joined the ranks of ‘office-workers’; sitting, typing, staring…..all day. No patients, no kitchens, no walking around. Just. Here.

You’d think after 9 hours of this, I would have No interest in my lap-top at home. However. It turns out that I have developed some sort of TV-ADD; I can’t watch TV without having something else  to do. Now – isn’t the idea behind watching TV that you Have nothing else to do? Or that you’re actually interested in what you’re watching? Well, neither of those hold true to me. I usually have a lot of things I should be doing, and I’m usually Not interested in what I’m watching at all. But I hate sitting in my room, and if I’m on the couch – why not turn on the tuuube?

((There is one exception – Thursday night : The Office, and 30 Rock. Michael, Jim Halpert, Liz Lemon and crewww deserve All of my attention. And I’m sure they appreciate that.))

Anyway – what do I do allll day and night with this computer addiction of mine? I surf and search. All day. E’ry day. Well, I also read blogs, clearly.

So what gems have I found laying around these www pages lately? – Oh, this is some of the most entertainig Crap everrrrr. – Kinda like Twitter, except that I like it! Twitter? Really doesn’t do it for me. I don’t know why, it just does Not. So, as I sit here staring at this big ol’ screen throughout the day, I dump my random thoughts here instead. – has supplied me with multiple (cheap, cute) gems throughout the last few months. I Loooove it. I know this isn’t high-quality stuff that I’ll keep forever, but it satisfies my shopping itch for the time being! – Some days I just sit and wonder….what if I wanted to go [here] or [there] on this or that weekend??? Like last week, when I thought maaaybe I’d go home over this 3-day Easter weekend…..which is crazy ’cause it takes me almost an entire day just to Get there. But I had to look. It was pretty cheap, but not really worth it. Sometimes I plan imaginary trips for other people (i.e. my family) too. – I’m never bored if I’m on this website. I heart Kraft. –  I just love looking up how far places are from where I live. Road-trips, I love them. I also love to play around with that little picture guy, moving up and down the street. That thing is crazzyyy!

I’ve also been spending a Looot of time job-searching, apartment-searching, life-searchinggg. Ugh. That doesn’t go on the “fun” end of the spectrum.

Alright. It’s time to get back to the real work, and try to get my mind off of the countdown ‘ til the end of the day. I’m off to Philly for the weekend and I’m exciiiited!

January 27, 2009

my top “5”

Filed under: about me,Entertainment,things I Looove — by heatherdc @ 11:46 pm

Someone, or something (wasting money on rentals?!), finally convinced me to sign up for Netflix. Thank the lord.

Really, its just another means by which to waste a lot of time Internet-ing. I didn’t realize this at first. I had my “queue” of the recommended 6 movies. Just six! Then I added an extra one….and nothing happened. Seven! Um, then I added 50 more and nothing happened. Except that I now have a queue of 57+ movies.

This is such a concept! I can switch around the order whenever I want, keep the movie as long as I want (but how selfish of me, there are 57 waiting for me!), and send myself whatever movie I want. Wow. Classics, new ones, stand-up comedy, concerts, TV shows, etc etc etc. I’m so in love.

There are movies that I see once and that is more than enough, and there are movies that I could watch over and over and over (and Over), quoting every line to you (but I Won’t, chill out) and expecting every song and dramatic event. Searching through this Never-Ending movie data base is way too much fun. I realized that I could never ever come up with just a “Top 5” of my favorites.

But! Here is my attempt (not In Order, because….I don’t have the patience for that kind of analyzing….)…

1. Burn After Reading (love love love. seen it about 6 times already)

2. You’ve Got Mail (I can’t ever explain why I love this movie. I Just Do.)

3. The Big Lebowski ( F-ing hilarious)

4. Mean Girls ( words cannot do justice )

5. Pirates of the Caribbean

6. Friends with Money (dysfunctional people.)

7. Father of the Bride (I and II)

8. Save the Last Dance

9. Bridget Jones (why is there not a third one yet?!!)

10. The Devil Wears Prada (I want those clothes!!)

11. Catch me if you Can

12. Pretty Woman

13. Spider Man (not a Huge comic-book character movie person, but….Love #1)

14. All the “Oceans” :11, 12 and 13 (hottttt)

…ooooh this could just keep going. I’m actually kind of proud that I stopped at 14. I definitely left out a chick-flick or two (….or 20). I can’t watch the “dramatic” movies over and over, so some of them didn’t make the cut. Sorryyyy.

Anyway! Feel free to add on to the list. Whats in your top ‘5’ ??! I’m very open to expanding my NF-Queue.

If nothing else, I get mail! Oh, and entertainment for my weekend nights in, $$-friendly. 😉 Yesss.

December 16, 2008

Waiting for the winner!

Filed under: Entertainment,nutrition,things I Looove,TV Shows — by heatherdc @ 10:35 pm

Are you watching “The Biggest Loser” finale???? You should be. This show is amaaazing.

The first hour is almost over, and they’ve brought out all of the former contestants. We have one more weigh-in before the “Home” winner is decided, and….WoW. These people have stepped it UP. I haven’t watched a season before this, so I can’t compare, but I’m seriously in awe.

The truth? 60% of Americans are overweight. Around 30%….are classified as Obese.

These numbers are just that, numbers, until you see it everyday. I see quite a wide range of patients. But half of them, on a daily basis? Overweight. Obese. Type 2 DM. High Blood Pressure. High Cholesterol. Etc. Or…..all of the above.

I have quite a job ahead of me in this Nutrition path of mine.

What’s the one thing that most people don’t get? Or maybe just choose to ignore?

The health problems that are related to obesity, they go away. With the weight.

Thats part of why I love this show. It brings a face – and this season, a family – to the epidemic. You pull for these contestants, you watch them become healthier week by week. You watch their diseases, health complications, insecurities, and (obviously) weight melt away.

Anyway. Thats my spiel! This show is awesome. I’m already excited for next season. Maybe I’ll be done by the time they film Season 8, and they’ll introduce a new cast member….Heather-the Trainer. 😉 Yessss.

UPDATE: And the winners are……HEBA (at Home) and MICHELLE (overall). Who both look like completely different people! Gorgeous. Congratulations!!!

December 12, 2008


Filed under: blogging,Entertainment,Road trip!,roommates — by heatherdc @ 7:45 pm

In honor of this being my 222-nd post, I’m gonna roll with it. Things in twos. Yessss.

This weekend I’ll be taking my second road trip to see my roomie/bfffff Em. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t gone to see her more since I’ve been in MD, but then I remember that she also came here, twice. And we all met up in State College, once. Oh, damnit. That doesn’t fit the theme, but it still happened. So, um, roadtrip. I’m excited!!!

Today, two people Google-searched the words “Classy Outfits”, and it led them to my blog. Hiii, I’m so flattered! I hope you found something they were looking for. I do try to keep things classyyy around here, you know.

Last night I finally registered for my second half-marathon in Pittsburgh (fourth overall). It’s the same one I ran in last March, and I decided against stepping it up to the 30K. No thanksss. While it would be the perfect interim race between a half and a full, and I’ll probably wish I had just sucked it up and done it….I just want my 13.1. I want to see if I can beat my time from last year. I also saved $5 by registering for one race over the other, and by registering by 12/31. If that’s not budget friendly, I don’t know what is. That’s gonna buy me my second drink tonight.

On Wednesday I went on a cleaning spree. I thoroughly cleaned the bathroom, bleach, windex, scrubbing, drying, re-arranging (toiletries), etc. This has only happened twice since we moved in. Hmm……I probably need to work on that. Granted, it’s a joint effort. We switch off.  So…..I guess that’s okay.

After our usual two-round-of-drinks at some random restaurant/bar + dinner tonight, the roomie and I are renting “The Dark Knight” (along with everybody else, I know). Guess how many times I’ve seen it??? If you didn’t say 2, where the heck have you been. I’m still excited though, Heath Ledger gives me goosebumps. I’m usually not so into the violent stuff, but this movie defies everything. Amazing.

Alright. I’m done. That’s enough twos .  Now I have to start preparing for 333. I’ve got lots of writing to do.

October 30, 2008

Welcoming Liz Leemoooonnnn

Filed under: Entertainment — by heatherdc @ 6:57 am

Oprah won’t say it (according to the preview), but don’t worry, I will!

It has the same effect.

Still don’t know if I’m going to State College this weekend, thats up in the air. I could be leaving tomorrow, or early Saturday morning, orrrrr next weekend. No idea, still deciding. Which only gives me reason to further procrastinate the packing idea. Not that I needed one.

Either way, it’s actually Thursday, which means a lot of good things. Most importantly, the return of “30 Rock“, coming on right after “the Office”. Yessssss. I love good TV.  If you haven’t watched this show yet, You can’t hate a show with Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan. That’s two different kinds of comedy brilliantly blended together. With the addiction of the smart-ass (Alec Baldwin). Basically meaning, it’s perfect.

Last night I had absolutely zero desire to do homework, which came at a bad time, since apparently there is Nothing to watch on Wednesday nights… the absence of Heidi and Tim Gunn of course….. What do you watch on wednesday nights ???? All I could do was sit around and look at the magazines my Mom brought me last week and flip channels, until I started seeing Obama on every channel. This intrigued and entertained me for at least half an hour. Smart planning there, he knew nothing else was worth watching. And my guess is nobody would’ve cared even if this 30 minutes had pushed back the World Series. Which it did not.

In other news, I have nothing exciting to tell you.

Just watch be excited that tomorrow is Friday.

September 15, 2008

The Hills & T-9

Filed under: about me,Entertainment,roommates — by heatherdc @ 10:21 pm

I don’t know why I watch “The Hills”. I hated this show for the longest time, and then my roomies got me, um, “into” it. ? I’m so ashamed.

So when I watch it, I think of them. And miss them deeearly. And have to text them and see how they feel about all the madness that’s occuring!!! (Did you watch the new one?!?!!)

me: Omg, are you watchin the hills?!?!

Em: No! whats happening?!

me: Heidi’s sister moved to LA and texted Lauren to hang out! And spencer is being a huge deush duechdoosh deusch…..

Me: “Okay seriously. How do you spell douche?!?!!”

Roomie: “Um…D-o-u-c-h-e…?”

Me: “Oooh, stupid T-9. It doesn’t recognize that. Gah!!”

(back to the text): Douche. Of course.

Em: Oohhh SHITTY!

Ehhhh. I’m watching The Hills & complaining about T-9. This is not good. I need to go read something about science or Diabetes to remind myself that I’m an educated individual.

January 17, 2008

Just Call Me “feroc-“

Filed under: Entertainment,TV Shows — by heatherdc @ 3:07 pm

“Project Runway” is well into it’s Fourth Season, and there has been some serious fashion coming from these designers. Last night the challenge revolved around an “Avant-Garde” theme, accompanied with big hair and some big personalities.

Christian has turned into my favorite designer. Seemingly annoying and cocky at first, he is proving to be extremely entertaining, dramatic (not in a bad way), funny, and pretty damn talented. He uses a straightener on his hair, he wears adorable black glasses that fit his chiseled features, and he says things like “C’mon bitches, let’s go.” If the camera is on him, you know exactly what he is thinking or feeling at that moment. His emotions are right there for you to see, it’s great.

Favorite quote from him last night (something along the lines of…) “Just call me Feroc”. Referring to the word ferocious, of course.

According to him, these are the 5 “must-have” clothing items:
1) “Fabulous black dress”
2) “Amazing McQueen blazer”
3) “Fierce pumps/Vivienne boots”
4) “Great Denim”
5) “Favorite vintage t-shirt”

I think #3 should read “wide collection of fierce pumps”….but other than that, the list looks pretty good to me!

January 5, 2008

Seasons 1-3 on DVD

Filed under: Entertainment,TV Shows — by heatherdc @ 2:21 pm

Confession: I have spent the last week and a half (minus the weekend trip to Texas) watching “The Office” on DVD. I can’t stop. I’m addicted. I’m soooooo entertained.

I’m also developing a huge crush on Jim Halpert.

For fear that some of you have not started watching the show (do it! now! go rent it!!!!), I’m not here to divulge any secrets. I’m just here to rave about how amazing this show is. I would even go so far as to say; this is the best show on network television since Seinfeld.

It is a “mockumentary” of a group of office workers in Scranton, PA. If you can make anything in Scranton, PA even remotely interesting, Kudos to You! If you can make an office for a paper company in Scranton interesting and hilarious, you have gone above and beyond.

Today we start Season 3.  My mom and brother are watching these with me (in case you were wondering what the “we” is about), and they have no idea what happens. I, on the other hand, basically started watching this show more consistently during the fourth season.  That translates to: I’m not in as much suspense about the “jim and pam” thing.  Basically I know what happens in the long run, but it’s much more fun watching it from the start.  The last episode of Season 2 was a “cliff-hanger”, and I was waiting for that one the whoooole time.

The fact that you can watch entire seasons of a show on DVD has completely changed television.  Do you want to start watching something, but don’t want to be out-of-the-loop? Is there was that show that you just never got around to watching but heard it was “Sooo good”? Or, do you have that show that you can’t get enough of, despite the fact that you’ve seen every episode…multiple times? (“Friends”, “Seinfeld”, “Sex & the City”…anybody?) Simple solution my friends, go rent it on DVD!

The future of television may be at stake here.  We are spoiled by the fact that we can sit down and watch every episode of a season back-to-back. The suspense is lost.  After a few days, you know everything that happened over what should have been months of religiously tuning in at 8 o’clock every Thursdays night.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for this trend.  I admit it: I have watched numerous television series on DVD, and DVD only. These are not my intentions! I understand that without the numbers, the show would not go on.  They are cancelled, and replaced with something of equal or lesser value. Usually the latter. In my defense, after watching a season (or two…or three) I start actually watching the show.  But I have been spoiled by the commercial-free, back-to-back, on-my-clock version.

Alas, my Thursday nights are now in disarray.  What used to be a night solely and completely devoted to “Grey’s Anatomy”, has now turned into a battle of the shows.  “The Office” is no longer conveniently on right before “Grey’s”, instead it is on at the same time. So is the last season of “Scrubs”. Tough decisions here!

Or, choose one and wait until the other is out on DVD right? 🙂

December 26, 2007

3 yr Olds and Monsters

Filed under: Entertainment — by heatherdc @ 5:18 pm

YouTube is a great way to waste a lot of time and find some pretty random stuff.  Somebody sent me this clip from YouTube and I can’t stop watching it 🙂 This is one tough little 3 year old! Watch out for this one, she doesn’t mess around!

Kick his Ask

December 14, 2007

Almost there…ready to Celebrate!

Filed under: college,Entertainment,roommates,weekends — by heatherdc @ 1:51 pm

It’s the last day of classes, my last Fall semester at PennState, and the last time I’ll host a “Classy Christmas Party” with my roommates. One class and three finals to go before flying back West for a Break!

Tonight we are having our “Second Annual Classy Christmas Party”, for the second and last time.  Last year, it was our first experience “hosting” a party in our apartment. Needless to say, many lessons were learned!  Some things we wish we would have known before last year’s extravaganza:

-Unless you anticipate 100+ very drunk people, do NOT buy a Keg. It is completely unnecessary. A few cases of Lion’s Head? YES, that will work.

-People appreciate it when snacks are provided…however, the Floor does not.

-If you have a small kitchen, put the drinks somewhere where they are more accessible. That way, you don’t have sticky floors and crowded people.

-Remember to buy Mistletoe from Wal-mart early! And by “early”, I mean before the party. Drawing it on a piece of paper and hanging it above a doorway doesn’t have quite the same effect….

-If you play “Catchphrase” (great game, by the way!), be prepared. Drunk people cheat!
( Larisa: “Puerto Rico!” Mike: “Yup!” ehhhhh??)

-Putting bus times on the wall does not mean people will remember that they have to take the bus to get home. If somebody misses the last bus, call a Taxi for them before 2:30 a.m.

That sums up the important things. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, the party was a success! People were dressed up, Christmas music was playing, it was Classy.

I can’t wait for tonight!

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