this is me now

May 3, 2009

when the balance is unbalanced

Filed under: blogging,clothes,random — by heatherdc @ 11:35 pm

Oh, hello.

It’s been a while!

So….I started that other blog, about Running. And I seem to be doing a lot of that lately (running). I’ve also started doing a lot of writing for other blogs and websites. And, well, those are my excuses.

This little blog has fallen out of the balance!

I ran another 13.1 last weekend, and another Race Report will be up in the morning. I wrote it before I finished unpacking and after I went to Target.

Ya know, Priorities.

On a completely unrelated note – It’s warm and I want to shop! Ah, I love Spring/Summer clothing so so much. If I could change whats “appropriate” for business-casual, I’d dress in a cute tee, fun necklace, shorts and flats every day.

Or, if I could actually shop right now, maybe something like this –> LAX styyyle.


KIDDING. That’s awful.

April 28, 2009

closet accumulations

Filed under: clothes,crazy things!,shopping — by heatherdc @ 9:39 am

I have very few items of “work” clothing that match this 90 degree weather. This includes both tops and bottoms. The thought of wearing black pants right now seems equivalent to a sunburn. Hot hot hotttt.

After some debating, I  settled on grey pants and a black-almost sleeveless-shirt which I’ve never worn before. It was purchased last fall from the Target clearance rack (aka my never-ending love affair), and the tag was still on it. When did I become the person who has things in the closet with the tag still on???! This is a sign of too many closet items, right? Uh Ohhh.

I remember growing up my Mom had a friend with SO MANY THINGS in her closet (i.e. perhaps a little shopping problem). Freshman year of highschool I needed some shoes for some sort of event where I was to look “professional” (really?? Can’t remember exactly what this was for.). Our feet were/are about the same size, so she basically extended an open invitation to browse through her (huge, walk in, FULL) closet and see if I wanted to borrow any of hers.


Sure, I’ll come have a look.

As a young 15 year old I clearly had no clue what it meant to really SHOP (people don’t just buy clothes for school,summer and soccer? what?), and was completely Floored when I looked inside that closet. There were shoes everywhere, racks literally Stuffed with clothing, more belts than I had ever seen in my life, and… tags hanging off of items left and right.

The latter baffled me to no end.

In my experiences, I bought something because I HAD TO HAVE IT, and probably wore it within the next week after it had gone through the laundry. Why would you buy something and wait to wear it?!? Didn’t you want it so badly that you just had to put it on and flaunt your new find?! And also, why buy something if you Couldn’t wear it yet or didn’t Need it??


Anyway. I found some shoes, loved the fact that I was wearing “grown up heels”, and was probably never the same after that closet-shopping experience/discovery.

Now, I’m pulling out items from Target that I’ve owned for 6+ months, never worn, and completely love. I also have two dresses that I bought over the summer and haven’t worn yet (but can’t wait to wear!), and pairs of heels that have only graced my feet once or twice (must be preserved. love.them.).

…..where or where did that 15 year old philosophy disappear to?

April 2, 2009

target therapy

Filed under: about me,clothes,shopping — by heatherdc @ 3:14 pm

For whatever reason, I was really craving a fun, Spring, flowy skirt this week. I saw some in the Target Weekly-ad on Sunday that I’m in love with. Then I found more online. Oooh.

And yesterday was not really my day.

So, last night I went to Target, and found a skirt. That I really Really heart.

Little things make me happy.

This is the first time I’ve ever worn a skirt to work. The morning was a little iffy (it’s weird to sit in skirts, right?). Then I went for a walk during lunch, and I was all super-comfortable and felt like Spring and remember why I love skirts.

And that’s that, about skirts.

OH. It’s also Thursday. Lots of “T” things going on here. Yesssss!

UPDATE: With Pics, because you asked…….

On the Left is the skirt I wanted (still might buy) but really couldn’t decide what I color I would/wanted to wear with it (that I wouldn’t have to purchase separately. budget budget). On the Right is the skirt I bought, and love, because it’s plain and I can wear whatever I want with it! Oh, options.


aaaand, this is how I wore it…..


White V-neck Tee, purple ‘Summer’ scarf, light Gold hoops and light-gold metallic Flats.

February 16, 2009

Morning clothes woes

Filed under: clothes,jobs — by heatherdc @ 10:46 pm

Something about this new rotation (food service) is throwing me off.

I have to wear a uniform – white button-up, black pants/shoes/belt.

This is doing many things to me. It has taken away my desire to shop for new work clothes, because well, clearly I don’t need them. Somebody has already decided what I wear, and that’s that. Gah!  This may sound crazy to some, but I actually like picking out my work-outfits. I’ve spent the time to buy the clothes, and mix-and-match the clothes, and I like the clothes! Now, I can’t wear them. And I’m sad.

But. On the other hand, I now have a liiittle bit of extra time during my morning get-ready routine.  Most days I know what I want to wear and it takes me like a minute to decide. Then there are the days when I’m all over the place, taking out many shirts and pants and looking at shoes and necklaces and going Ahhhhh.

It’s also frustrating me because I hate tucking in a button-up shirt. Yes, HATE. Women’s shirts do not stay tucked in, because they aren’t long enough. I feel like I can’t move and get all kinds of irritated when the shirt continuously becomes un-tucked. Honestly, I almost bought a Small men’s shirt, just so it would be longer and tolerable. Then I did my research (shopping) at Target, and realized that a Small Men’s shirt is huuuuge. Dangit. Plan aborted.

We have to wear this get-up Tuesday through Friday. I’m not doing my laundry every night, and I’m not destroying my Dry-clean only pants by washing them constantly.  Instead, I try not to get dirty in the kitchen and I bought a cheap button-up. After six weeks, I’d rather know that I didn’t waste money on a Nice shirt that will be washed over and over only to be stained with oils, sauces, dressings, etc. A mere $15 at Target? I’m fine with that.

Alright, that’s my rant. At least it’s still cold outside, so I’m not missing out on any opportunity to wear cute Springy stuff. That will come sooooon enough.

December 10, 2008

My treat, to Me

Filed under: clothes,holidays,shopping,things I Looove — by heatherdc @ 11:10 pm

A new addition; an LBD.

For the past four months, I have only bought clothes on one condition (aside from silver wedding shoes): Can I wear this to work?? Because now that I have to dress in work-clothes 5 days a week, I am bored by them….about 4 days a week.

As mentioned earlier, we did a liiiittle shoppin’ on Sunday. I was only looking for black ankle boots, work-appropriate (of course. Gah). Which I found, and which are fabulous. Also which, it turns out, are not very comfortable for an entire work-day. I’ll get over it. Christmas gifts were on the agenda too, that’s a given.

Well let me wander into H & M and all missions/self control are lost. I don’t absolutely love everything in that store, but they do have some amazing deals. Like rows and rows of jewelry, most of which is less than $8. Plus, tons of scarves, and reallyyyy good sales. I thought to myself, maybe they have cute (cheap) holiday-ish dresses……

Finally! Something I’ve purchased that I certainly will Not be wearing to work. But might be caught wearing around the apt, just because I’m so excited that it’s not “business casual”. Nope. Instead, it goes right into my LBD – collection. Yessssss.

Behold. My “holiday” dress….at a beautiful $35. Thanksssss H & M. (paired with my favorite Little Black Shoes.)


Now, how to accessorize? That will be saved for shopping trip numero Dos.

July 15, 2008

Two in one

Filed under: clothes,days off,Jack,shopping — by heatherdc @ 12:36 am

All of a sudden I get lots of mail. I don’t know when this started, and a lot of it is junk, but it comes every day. This is pretty unusual for me while I’m home. I’m sure some of it can be attributed to the fact that I finally did my “change of address” thing online with the Post Office. (Did you know you could do that online?! Gah, lucky for me because I definitely didn’t think about that before leaving PA for the summer. dumb.) It’s not all bad stuff though; I do get a magazine or two (CookingLight!, Kraft!, etc.), and a load of useless things from the Alumni Association, and a card from the boys I babysat for during school (soooo cute!).

And today, I got two in one. Two packages, in one day. Ooh happiness!

First package: Birthday randoms from the bf, Jack. Yayyyyy! He’s awesome at making packages. We never actually get to celebrate birthdays together, especially for the time being since he’s ummm about 10 states away (ehhhhh. not fun.). So instead, we come up with some kick-ass random things to give each other in a big ol’ box-of-fun. Two things are guaranteed to be included: candy and pictures. You simply can’t go wrong with either. I encourage you to try, it won’t happen. I loooove candy, and uhh…I’m not gonna lie…we take some pretty damn good pictures.

Second package: wonderfulness from Forever 21!! This didn’t come until like 8 o’clock tonight (didn’t know the UPS man was still out and about? what a night owl.), and I had kind of forgotten about it. I only ordered these things last week, I guess, but that feels so long ago. Well, I obviously had to go try everything on. Because that’s what you do when you have about 10 new items just sitting in your hands. Yessss! They all fit, they are all as cute as they appeared online, and they are all being washed so they don’t have that weird packaged smell anymore. Ew. Except the earrings, necklace, and scarf….which I’m still wearing and adoring.

I have to return one of the tank tops I bought at Target today. Apparently, after a week, I forgot what I ordered online. I must have really wanted a green ribbed tank top, because now I have two. Uh, oops.

July 8, 2008

That itch you can’t scratch….

Filed under: clothes,days off,shopping — by heatherdc @ 1:33 am

It’s been a while since I’ve gone shopping. Or even had time to think about shopping. Or had the opportunity to actually do some real shopping.

As soon as I start to get actual money saved up, it seems as though I just want to spend it. Ehhhh.

On that note, does anybody else feel like all they do on their days off is spend money?? Hmmm, not good.

I’m getting all kinds of restless with my clothes, and there is literally NO decent shopping to speak of within a 100 mile radius. I’m not kidding. We have two department stores in our mall (Sears does not count. No no no)….Dillards and JC Pennys. Not that these aren’t usually decent stores, but umm….not here. Here it’s like the C-list stuff that the other stores didn’t sell/want/need. At least that’s my take on it. Probably not too far off.

The closest “real” shopping is in a city about 3 hours away. And uhhh, with two SUVs around here, nobody is lookin to pay for the gas to drive three hours, just to spend money, and then drive back. Well….I’m not….not with the budget I’ll be on next year (daaaaangit).

Anyway. My madre and I had to go out to the mall today, and I wanted to stop at a cheap jewelry store to see if I could find anything. I just had that ‘itch’, I wanted something new, something fun, something I probably don’t need but want to be excited about anyway. Even if it costs $5, I dooon’t care. But guess what, I didn’t see anything. Not. one. thing. Gah.

So then we went to Target…..always a sure-thing that I’ll find something there! And guess what? The only things I bought…? A card, gum, and Hershey’s dark chocolate kisses (not to be overlooked, they are deeeelicious). Ehhhhh.

Obviously, something had to be done. And that something involved the internet, searching, and page browsing. Oooh yes, who could forget about ONLINE shopping?! All the great stores, brands, categories, sales, etc that you need. So wonderful.

Thanks to the loveliness that is, I have 9 purchases coming to me in 5-10 business days, for less than $70. (can you handle all those numbers? Yesssss). And that includes shipping. Goooo me! I gotta admit, I was pretty satisfied with myself. And pretty damn excited to finally have some new items to look forward to.

A few of which included these lovely things…..

(Jen! I totally thought of you when I saw this scarf! 🙂 )

Aaand a few other things. But I didnt’ feel like saving all the pictures and uploading them. But I’m exciteddd for some new stuff!

(afterthought:: I wonder how many people will find this post during a Google-search for vagasil? Uhhh, sorry if I have mislead you.)

April 7, 2008

Out of Hibernation

Filed under: clothes,shopping,Spring,things I want/need,Uncategorized — by heatherdc @ 11:49 pm

We are finally starting to see (a little bit of) warm weather!! This means one thing…..

The spring clothes get to come out of hiberation! Yay!!

I am a sucker for shorts. I love khaki, plaid, white, denim, black (more for “dressy”)….the list goes on. I Love them All. Except the kind that barely stop short of showing, um, too much. As Stacy & Clinton would say, those are not “age appropriate”. Or any kind of appropriate.

I think the Bermuda short is growing on me. Largely thanks to the fact that J Crew can make anything grow on me….but really, they can be cute.

These are risky…..

These are Classy…..

I’m also getting into bold prints. I want skirts, and I want them flowy and beautiful and full of print.
Like this…..

And I’m on the search for spring/summer shoes. I have just decided that I like wedges (yes, I’m behind the times. But ya know what, I like what I like). Correction: Love them. Want to own lots of them. I want to wear them with said skirts, and cute shorts, and cropped pants. And with some help from this girl I also love the “gladiator” style that’s coming in. 🙂 I also need to restock the flip-flop collection, as these tend to wear out in season. Which is fine, since I might pay $2 (hi Target, I love you!) or I might pay $15 (fine AE, I’ll step it up).

In my opinion, the best thing about the warm seasons is shedding the coat!! Yes, Stacy & Clinton, we know-a structured jacket is the key to everything. But what about the cute top that it covers up?! And what about when the cute top needs to stand alone and be admired?! And what about how I’m tired of carrying my jacket around in bars because it’s hot once you’re inside??? In comes warmth to the rescue. *breathe*

Oh, Spring, I am soooo ready for you.

March 26, 2008

It’s like “No White” after Labor Day, right?

Filed under: clothes,eewww,fashion rules — by heatherdc @ 5:41 pm


So I’m sure that most of you have heard this “rule”…

You can’t wear white after Labor Day

This is in reference to white pants/shoes/shorts/skirts, not shirts. From what I assume, this is because these items tend to give off a ‘summery’ look that can seem inappropriate during the Fall/Winter months. Which I can understand, because in most cases it’s true. But rules are meant to be broken right? So people do it all the time. And I’m all for it! I love white and there are many-a-cute white outfits. As long as it’s tasteful and cute, do what you do! Even Stacy & Clinton agree (according to a sign pictured in the intro), that white IS permitted after Labor day.

I think there’s a different rule that needs to be put into effect, um, Now.

No Uggs after the first day of Spring!

Okay, first of all, it has taken me quite some time to get used to this whole “Uggs” thing. I have mixed feelings. I understand that they keep your feet warm, and are apparently really comfortable. In the cold, miserable, winter months, I am all for a shoe that is warm and comfortable. No, I don’t own Uggs, and never plan on it. But I see the logic. I gotcha.

Here’s what I will Never understand. Uggs + Leggings. Uggs + Mini-skirts.

These two combos have thrown all logic out the window. Why try to keep your feet warm if the rest of your body is freezing? Or, if it’s warm enough to bust out this outfit, you don’t need boots!! And you look a little ridiculous. Just so you know.

The high today was around 50º, and it was sunny (yes!). So, basically, it was a beautiful spring day. Want to know what looks ridiculous when it’s beautiful and springy and sunny? Ugg Boots. Your feet clearly don’t need them. Give it up. The “Ugg” season is over. Pack them up with the winter wardrobe and move on. In fact, maybe you have some white shoes you’ve been wanting to wear? And by shoes, I mean not-boots. That’d be great. I look forward to seeing them.

Oh, and did anybody else hear that “jellies” are coming back?!?! I’m speechless.

((Update: Apparently I have offended the masses. Just to clear it up, I have no problem with Ugg boots themselves. I just think they look winter-ish, and aren’t appropriate for Spring. Take it as you will. Oh, and they really shouldn’t be worn with mini skirts. I think we can all agree on that, right? Ehhhh. Do what ya do. ))

March 20, 2008

Dressing a 21-year Old

Filed under: "ehhh" days,clothes,Spring — by heatherdc @ 2:06 pm

Yesterday, I quite literally got over ‘the hump’. We had our presentations out of the way, met our attendance goals, I survived the test yesterday morning, and as of last night, it was a downhill slide to the weekend. I relaxed, had a phone-date (the excitement of a long-distance relationship), read a little in my new book, and drifted into a content sleep.

I woke up this morning, had my breakfast, caught up on e-mails, and started to get ready. I wish my brain had warned me for the disaster that was to follow.

Normally, I have no problems getting dressed. Obviously I don’t mean that in the sense of, Well sometimes I can button my pants, but some days you just never know. I mean, I can pick an outfit out in my head, put it on, and be ready. Aside from the weekends of course, where every outfit I own must be worn and contemplated and modeled. But that’s another story. I don’t usually have to try on 5 shirts before I like the look, or switch shoes, or change pants. Because it’s just a day of classes and work, I’m pretty simple and quick about it.

Not today.

Today, I saw a pair of khaki’s that I forgot I even owned, and thought “I should wear those”. We’ll call that, Mistake #1. I then remembered that said khakis always stretch out after about an hour, so I threw on a dark brown belt. Mistake #2. Then I was stumped. I hardly ever wear anything but jeans, unless I’m going out or dressing “business casual”. So I’m looking at my shirts and have no idea which direction to go. The belt is presenting a problem because I hardly ever wear belts anymore, all my shirts are long, and the combination is Not Cute. I try to match a long shirt, and ignore the bulge around the waist. Um, ew. Mistake #3. After about 3 outfit changes, I finally decide that one of them looks “okay”.

Then I think about shoes. Well, of all things to be hurting right now, it’s one toe on each foot. Yes, I’m serious. For some reason, these long distance runs are hurting my toes. My legs aren’t sore, my feet feel fine, but my toes? They are complaining. Ehhhh. So I wanted to wear some comfortable shoes. Mistake #4. They looked weird with current outfit.

Okay. Fine.
Time to change everything.

Khakis are out, jeans are in. Life is easy again. Rethinking the “top” choices, I had to start over. At this point, browsing my closet is beginning to irritate me, so I step into the roomie’s room. I pulled out my favorite knitted green top (with cute little buttons diagonally across the left shoulder!). Yes! Now I’m happy, because wearing something that’s not yours always seems more exciting. I layer it with my white polo, and I can breathe again.

The jeans I picked are long, so I have to sacrifice my toes and wear my boots. Which is fine, because they look better anyway. I threw in some earrings, put my hair up, and I’m finally ready to go. With about one minute to spare. Agh.

As I’m heading out the door I remembered that today is the first day of Spring. And quite frankly, you’d never know here in good ole Pennsylvania. Surprised? Of course not. But you know what, I went back and grabbed my sunglasses. Because it’s Spring. And whether I need them or not, I want to wear them.

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