this is me now

February 2, 2009

A dose of Sweeet Mexico

Filed under: candy,crazy things!,family,the Southwest,things I Looove — by heatherdc @ 10:51 pm

It’s a constant fake-battle between my Sister and I; the Southwest vs the East coast. Obviously I live in the latter, now. And most of the time when I get carded in a bar, or tell somebody where I’m “from”….I get some crazy reaction and/or an expression that reads; “How did you get here?!”. Or, “How do you speak English so well?!” Uh, yah.

So. The battle. She usually wins, especially around this time of the year. I’m up against sunny day after sunny day, and high-temps around 70. Plus, she has authentic Mexican food that’s served with fresh green chile. I mean, really?! I don’t even try.

Three years ago (living in FL), during a random dinner trip with LB, we wandered over to EPCOT Mexico. They have this amazing fake-Mercado, that sells all the fun “authentic” mercado type things. You know – somebreros, ceramics, tequila, chips, salsa. Yup, just like the real Mexican mercados. Well, guess what else they had?! These delicious little peanut-sugar candies, for like $0.25 a piece. I don’t pass up candy for a quarter. I just don’t.


I was addicted. I love them. They’re the perfect size and they crumble and they taste like peanuts and sugar. Because, that’s all they are. Ah, the simple things! As soon as I headed home for the summer, I discovered that they actually sell these in the Old Mexico, and the NEW Mexico. YES!!!!!

This means three things; I constantly ask the Sis to send me packages of them, I stock up on them when I can (i.e. about twice a year), and it’s one more thing she adds to the list of “Why Heather should move back”.

And when she brings this into the mix, I’m like “Okay, you win.”


The Roomie and I were out and about, and passed a Mexican Market squeezed in between Verizon Wireless and some old Barber Shop. Obviously, I had to go in. What if they had THE candies?! Chances were slim. But! I had to check.

I obviously wouldn’t be telling you this story in the excited fashion that I am (caps-n-all) if it ended badly. THEY HAD THE CANDY! And I was in heaven. I texted the Sis (in all caps) immediately and she was equally Shocked. I freakin stocked up on those little things and the woman at the counter was excited like I was the first purchasing customer of the whole day. Which made me feel a little guilty, because I was buying 25-cent candy. Oh well. I’ll be back!

Now our candy-corner in the kitchen is swarming with my favorite Sweet Mexican treat. Love.

December 22, 2008

A pleasant airport surprise

Filed under: family,home,parents,travel — by heatherdc @ 2:18 pm

It’s usually my Mom and/or sister that are at the airport waiting until my usually-delayed flight lands.  So, they know the drill.  My Dad? He’s new to this. The flight was scheduled to land at 1:25, we didn’t actually land until about 1:30, and we didn’t get off until around 1:45. Not too late by my standards. But when I had permission to use my Cellular device, I already had a voicemail from him….

“Hey, it’s Dad…It’s about 1:40 an there are a lot of people here and I’m waiting but just wondering if maybe I missed you because I haven’t seen you yet and, ya know, just making sure I didn’t miss you, so…just let me know. Love you bye”

Haha. So cute. First of all, if I were to just wander down to baggage claim without finding him, where exactly would I go after that? I’m kind of relying on him for the transportation thing.

I called him back and said, Not to worry! I’m not off the plane yet, that’s why you haven’t seen me. I’ll find you!

When I finally got there, he had a big smile and a big hug waiting for me. He was also holding these……


He’s awesome.  After the last few weeks, I needed nothing else but to see my family, sit around, and reeeelax.  But this?  Made me smile so big and realize…..I’m *home*. Yessss.

December 2, 2008

Now that December is here

Filed under: family,football,holidays,PennState,shopping — by heatherdc @ 11:22 pm

I’ve got things to do!

My “to-do” list has become a little bit daunting. It’s not even on paper yet, just swarming around in my head, intimidating me in theory.

Don’t worry, it’s not stressful (ehhh, maybe a little bit. but I’m sick of that word. sooo, No).

It’s just….December. As in, the end of this year. As in…..whoa.

I have to start Christmas shopping. This is always a little bit tricky, since I have to pack all the extra things I buy and bring them home with me. And this year, I have to think a little bit harder. For the past 4 years there was at least one person that got Penn State stuff. Yup, it’s a cop out. But people looove it. So it’s a good excuse. And by ‘people’, I mostly mean my parents. They’ve got quite a collection of paraphernalia now, and not one complaint. The siblings have also received their fair share, but only upon request! And I ask for their stuff in return. Who wouldn’t love to sport some home-state love on the other side of the country, right? Right.

I have to prepare for my first ‘office’ Christmas party. Not that I work in an office, or even with the same people on a monthly basis. But there are 8 of us interns, and we have all been invited to the Director’s casa for some holiday celebrating. This gives me an excuse to buy a cute holiday dress, which would be the first non-work clothing item I’ve purchased in quite some time. Yesssss.

I have one more topic of homework to turn in, which is currently about 75% done. I couldn’t begin to tell you how good that feels to type. Almost.DONE !!!! Then I have a Major-Case study to do after the break. Which is next year, so we won’t think about that just yet.

I have to mentally prepare myself for the ROSE BOWL. Because, um, we’re going! I don’t just mean Penn State, because obviously Penn State is going. I mean WE ARE GOING. My dad bought tickets moments after the Michigan State victory (not even 100% sure yet that the Lions would be there, but um, 99.99999% sure. and hoping.). This means on January 1, 2009 I’ll be sitting in row 77 with my family (decked out in their gear. see above, re: Christmas presents 😉 ) watching my team play in the National Championship. Life is good.

There. Now my to-do list is typed. Well, the big things are. Hello December, I’m excited to see you.

October 21, 2008

Prepping for the parents

Filed under: family,parents,visitors! — by heatherdc @ 10:26 pm

The parents are back in town!

Driving in from WV, they’ll get here around 5. If you wondering why they’re in WV (nope. I’m not from WV), it has to do with conference things. Those fancy get togethers where people sit in lectures all day, and get compensated by a free stay at a fancy hotel. And muffin breakfasts. Pretty sweet deal, yea?

So, they’re coming from one of those. I’ve put out the warning: You will be driving on the DC-Beltway. There will be traffic. And, in other words, I’ll probably see you around…..6 or 7…? Sounds about right.

Since I’m usually off around 4, this gives me plenty of time to spice up the place. Vacuum (which makes everything look So clean. without much effort. Good stuff.), do laundry, make the kitchen look tidy…..that stuff you’re supposed to do anyway, but put off until you think somebody might notice. Well, I vacuum my room like once a week. Maybe because it calms me, maybe because it’s the sanitary thing to do…but mostly, because it’s a quick distraction from homework and it’s my substitution for weight lifting. Which never made anything look clean. And makes your hands smell weird (ew).

My Dad has never been in the area, and he appreciates everything travel-related. And he’s a serious history-buff. I’ll still be at work Thursday and Friday, but I have no doubt they’ll find many ways to distract themselves. In fact, I’ll probably lose them to old War sites and history museums and scenic drives where the leaves are changing (seriously. it’s gooorgeous here right now). Until we meet up for happy-hour of course.

Anyway. I’m exciiiited. My parents are pretty fun to have around. I pointed out to them that they’ll be here just in time for dinner tomorrow night. Very nice planning on their part. So my job is to find a ‘new’ place to eat. Which isn’t hard, because I’ve gone out to eat like, umm…..twice?…since I’ve lived here. It’s not in the budget!! Target and Outlet malls are.

So thats my hump-day excitement. Yesssss, family time!

October 13, 2008

An unusual morning craving

Filed under: baking,family,Halloween — by heatherdc @ 9:53 pm

Last night I was asleep for about 15 minutes before being jolted awake by that annoying “You have a text message!!” noise. thanks phooone.

It was from the Sis, who was doing her usual thing, baking! She sent me a picture that looked a liiiittle somethin like this…

The tradition in our house is making holiday-themed sugar cookies. Multiple cookie cutter shapes for each holiday, food dye into the frosting, sprinkles, the works. Lauren is certainly doing her job to keep that goin, and I’m way over here trying to sleep and now thinking of nothing but sugar cookies (and how delicious the dough is!! um, and how good they are baked….and frosted…

Since I was basically half asleep, all I could do was stare at my phone confusingly, looking at a picture of cookie cutouts on a cookie sheet and think “yummm”….and go back to sleep.

And let me just say, it’s very strange to wake up in the morning with a craving for halloween-themed sugar cookies. That could be part of a balanced breakfast, right?

October 7, 2008

Countdowns are taking over!

Filed under: about me,countdowns,family,Jack,parents,things I Looove — by heatherdc @ 8:42 pm

This month is a little on the ‘crazy’ side, and I loooove it.

I also love countdowns. And thats about all I can think about right now. Many many countdowns to many many exciting things!! October, you’re spoiling me. Nice work.

::Race::4 days!!!

still a little upset about the no-music thing. but after run#2 sans iPod, I know I’ll survive. and there are much worse things they could force upon me. Like rain, or really hott weather, or not having water stations (well, thats probably illegal, but you know, thatd suck).

::Jack::8 days!!

Pickin him up from the airport right after ‘work’ on Thursday. Yesss.
There are few things that could make the end of a work day better than an airport reunion. Followed by a dinner date. And Jack. Here. Looove it.

::Wedding time::10 days!!!

I’ll be a bridesmaid for the first time, in a veryyyy special wedding.
A weekend trip to Philly, a rehearsal dinner followed by a night of a few drinks with gooood friends, a classy hotel room, and what will most definitely be an amazing reception. Yum.

::Parentals visit::16 days!

They’ll be here from Wednesday-Sunday. Exploring the area while I’m at work, hopefully picking out delicious places to eat and fabulous things they want to buy me. Just kiddinnn. Not about eating though. My Mom keeps saying she wants to ride the “train” into DC. Which we’ll definitely do, as long as we can get her to call it the “metro”. She loves trains, its cute.

::Halloween… HAPPY VALLEY!!!::23 days!!!!!!

I have not been to that wonderful place since May. There are no words. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 14, 2008

Apparently it should also fan me and provide me with electrolytes

Filed under: family,running — by heatherdc @ 8:02 am

I mentioned that this watch was my birthday present from the parents. While i still don’t know how to use it to the max, because I’m avoiding the ‘User Guide’ for now (um, I hate reading those things), I loooove it. I’ve used it on every run since it’s arrival, and I’m not goin’ back.

My sis came home tonight for the weekend, and her friends were at the house within two hours. One of them ran his first half-marathon this summer, so naturally we started the running-talk. He wanted to see the watch, so I went to grab it.

We’ll call the runner, K, and the non-runner, G. Oh, and the sis, uhh….she’ll be S. And we’ll just say there was quite an interesting idea behind how they think the watch should function…..

G: So, what does this thing do again??
Me: It has a GPS system in it, so it maps how far you run, your pace, obviously your time.

G: Oh. I thought the thing was gonna like, squirt gatorade in your mouth or something.
(In my head: OMG that’d be aaawesome!)

S: Ha! Yah!! It should totally do that! And it should have like a fan that pops out too!
G: Definitely.

…….as K is messing with it and pressing buttons. He notices a screen where two people (well, like athletic looking stick-figures) appear like they’re running together. It says “You’re behind by” with a distance and a time. I explain this. Basically, you set the pace that your computer-competitor is running at, and then it will tell you how you’re doing in reference to that pace. So, essentially, that would be your “Goal Race Pace”. Yah, this thing is snazzy.

Well, to this, the sis responds….

S: Whooa. So does it like shock you or something if you start slowing down?! Like, HEY, SPEED UP!
((insert her imitation of being electrocuted. which apparently would make you speed up. right? right.))

Wow. I thought my watch was pretty useful just doin’ what it does. Apparently they think it should also fan me, and provide me with my electrolytes while I’m running. Oh, and use shock-therapy to make sure I’m bustin my ass. They’re so innovative.

July 23, 2008

All in the family

Filed under: family,learning,running,things that happen at the gym — by heatherdc @ 1:06 am

What I hear from him:

“I can only run a mile and a half. After 15 minutes I’m tired. That’s it.”

What I tell him:

“It’s all mental, you could do more if you really wanted to, and I know you’re capable of it.”

What I see in him:

Intelligent, great golfer, a joke-maker, an intimidating card player, and physically fit.

My Dad always says he doesn’t know how I do it. How can somebody run for two hours?? (I keep saying; how can they run for four?! I will do marathons eventually, but aaahhhh!)
I always say, if he was training and he had that goal, he’d get there. He’d totally be able to do it.

He doesn’t believe me.

So, I made a proposition. Because I remember being there. I remember thinking I could only run for two miles, and OMG that was soo long and hard. And it was. At the time.
I told him I wanted to go running with him. We’d start out with 1.5 miles, or 1.25 miles, or whatever he felt comfortable doing. Of course the one night I want to take him to the track it starts raining. Seriously? I live in the desert. I’ve been home for two months and it has rained like four times, maybe. And tonight we have 25 mph winds and rain. Surprise, surprise.
So we head over to the gym instead. He goes there often enough, mostly to lift weights, but that’s beside the point. I find two treadmills side-by-side and we both hop on. We do a two mile warm up and then get started. I told him to set it at whatever pace he feel comfortable, and we’ll go for 1.25 miles. He gives me the look, but I know he’ll do it.
14 minutes and 1.5 miles later, we’re done. He did it! He went further than he was expecting, even picking up the pace towards the end. And this is just the beginning…..

Of course, after we ran he made me lift weights. Compromise. Gah.

For the first time, I’m learning how to teach. If he can get me to play golf and actually enjoy it, I can get him to run. Just keepin’ things in the family. By next week we’re aiming for two miles. I don’t want to burn him out, but hey-this guy can play 27+ holes of a golf in one day, kickin ass and takin’ names. And let me tell you (Now I know from experience…), that is NO easy task. Two miles is just another par 4 hole that he’ll conquer with a birdie putt.

June 25, 2008

I don’t even have clubs…

Filed under: days off,family,home — by heatherdc @ 1:42 am

Golf clubs. I don’t have them. Why would I use them? Well, I wouldn’t. So instead, I’ll borrow them. Just for today.

My Dad loves to golf-he’s pretty good at it actually, winning a few tournaments here and there. On one of his days “off” you can always find him at the golf course, and if there’s any major tournament going on (Tiger is a cutie, that’s all I know about “major tournaments”) then he’s definitely watching it on TV.

My older brother and younger sister (yup, I’m in the middle) have both started to aquire some….hmm…skills? They go to school together and have hit the course up a few times.

Where does this leave me? It leaves me as the last child, of us three, who hasn’t picked up the sport. I’m the only one who has Never walked an entire golf course. Although, I do feel like I should acknowledge that I have traveled an entire golf course… the cart. My sis and I used to go with my dad on Sunday afternoons, just so we could “drive” the cart. Before you have a driver’s license, this was the next best thing!! I got such a kick out of driving those small white things all around. With one universal key that started all of them, it’s a wonder I didn’t just run off with one to have for my own. Nothing was stopping me….if you think about it…..except morals, maybe? Yes, that must’ve been it. Geeze, such a good kid.

Anywayyyy. My Dad and I both have the day off tomorrow…sooo…I have finally agreed to a game. There’s a Par 3 course here, and thats as far as we’re goin’ right now. Don’t want to get too crazy over here. I’m assuming my score will be around..oohh, you know…the 90s….maybe 100s? Yah, that sounds about right.

I’ll keep ya posted on that….


May 22, 2008


Filed under: family,travel — by heatherdc @ 10:41 pm

Epcot is one of the four parks that make up “Walt Disney World” in Florida. Here’s a little history for ya….

It actually stands for Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow. As usual, Mr. Disney (aka Walt) had quite the vision in mind.  He wanted the property to be circular (huuuge), and split right down the middle. One half of the park would consist of an actual community, while the other would consist of facilities used for research to further our knowledge and use of technology.  He literally wanted the community to be in the know, and moving forward.

The final plans for the park turned out quite differently.  Clearly it is not actually populated, and therefore not an actual “community”.  However, it is still split into two very different themes; Future World, and the World Showcase. Half of the park revolves around things happening now, emerging technology, and things that have yet to happen (i.e. a trip to Mars, via the ride “Mission:Space”).  The other half is just what it sounds like-a world showcase.  Set around a circular lake, there are 12 different areas that represent 12 different countries/regions from all over the world. Walking around, you start in on one side in Mexico (where the food is aaaawesome, take it from somebody who knows!!) and end on the other side in Canada.  In between, you walk through Norway, China, Africa, Germany, Italy, America, Japan, Morocco, France and England.  It’s quite an experience.

So today, I traveled “the world” and saw the “future”.  We had some delicious Mexican food, indulged in some fudge from Germany, ate dinner on the Boardwalk, had drinks in Morocco and France, and ended the night with the amazing fireworks show “Illuminations”.

Packed between dinner and drinks and fireworks we did some serious people watching. Partly because we were exhausted from the day, but partly because in a crowded park…it’s hard to resist. Let me tell you, some interesting things are witnessed at these parks. Three little girls spent about half an hour in a condensed area playing “hide and seek”, and driving their parents craazzyyyy while they were trying to enjoy some frozen margaritas.  A little boy was on one of those oh,so-attractive leashes disguised as a stuffed-animal-backpack (I don’t think that fools the kid….) and he walked in circles tangling himself up. Very entertaining. Then he jumped around while his dad (and the leash) tried to keep up. Another group of, um, elderlies….had a motorized-wheelchair train going. Yes, a train. They were literally stacked one behind the other, with a walker sandwiched in the middle. We may have laughed out loud as they passed, ehhhh.

Next stop-my faaaavorite….the Magic Kingdom. 🙂

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