this is me now

December 30, 2008

Pictures instead

Filed under: hangin' out with the siblings,home,picturesss,random — by heatherdc @ 2:49 am

In less than 6 hours we’re off – an all out family road trip! Which means my mind is a little blank. All I can brainstorm is what I forgot to pack and how the heck I’m going to entertain myself in a car for 12 hours (with No Internet. oh man). In other words…still blank.

Anyway. I got a new camera for X-mas, and have had fun experimenting with it. So, in lieu of a real post….I give you this. Life (for the past week) in a few photos……

*Cheers! to the big bro and his MBA*

*Cheers! to the big bro and his MBA*

um, failed 'princess' gingerbread castle. so we did this instead. then ate the candy.

um, failed 'princess' gingerbread castle. so we did this instead. then ate the candy.

the trio, lookin' classy for xmas eve

the trio, lookin' classy for xmas eve

christmas eve cocktails

christmas eve cocktails

Red-velvet cake, holiday styyyle

Red-velvet cake, holiday styyyle

sitting on the fresh Clean sheets....but how can you be made at that face?

sitting on the fresh Clean sheets....but how can you be made at that face?

big fan of the quilt....not of the flash

big fan of the quilt....not of the flash

testing your quick-thinking and persuasive skills.

testing your quick-thinking and persuasive skills.

Next time? I’ll be in sunny California. See you then….

December 29, 2008

Gone so fast

Filed under: days off,home — by heatherdc @ 1:17 am

So much has happened in a week! I feel like I’ve been home twice that long, and in two days we’re hittin’ the road en route to California. Oh, yesssss. Warm weather  (and football!!)  please.

It seems like the “blogosphere” gets put on hold during weeks like these (aka holidays). Rightfully so. I know I’ve taken a little break from the posting and the reading.  Catchin’ up with you people will just keep me busy during the 12+ hours that we’re driving across the West. And maybe even some good writing material. You never know what will happen during a family road trip, when all the “kids” find themselves in the back of a rented Van at the ages of 20-25. Could be interesting……

When we get home I have two days to unwind before I’m off again, back to internship-world. Why do the relaxing-at home-weeks to have to go by so fast???

I know most of you are back at work starting today, so, I should just shut my mouth.

Til tomorrow’…..when I try to figure out how to pack for 70º weather with my winter wardrobe.

December 24, 2008

No dreaming here, it’s definitely White

Filed under: holidays,home,the Southwest — by heatherdc @ 5:02 pm

The snow is piling up over here! For the first time in the last four years, there is more snow here at home, than the East had when I left. Reallyy?? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?! Shouldn’t I be coming home to the mild winter temperatures of the desert-y Southwest?? Geeze.

Despite this, I have no complaints. The snow is still comin’ down in spurts, and the temperatures have no intention of rising. We wont’ have to dream of a “white” Christmas. It is mostly certainly here.
a white blanket on the porch

a white blanket on the porch

Anyway. Next week I’ll be in Pasadena. Where the temps are predicted to be 70-73. Sunny. And I’ll be watching Penn State Football. Soo, Life is Good.

*Merry Christmas Internets!*

December 22, 2008

A pleasant airport surprise

Filed under: family,home,parents,travel — by heatherdc @ 2:18 pm

It’s usually my Mom and/or sister that are at the airport waiting until my usually-delayed flight lands.  So, they know the drill.  My Dad? He’s new to this. The flight was scheduled to land at 1:25, we didn’t actually land until about 1:30, and we didn’t get off until around 1:45. Not too late by my standards. But when I had permission to use my Cellular device, I already had a voicemail from him….

“Hey, it’s Dad…It’s about 1:40 an there are a lot of people here and I’m waiting but just wondering if maybe I missed you because I haven’t seen you yet and, ya know, just making sure I didn’t miss you, so…just let me know. Love you bye”

Haha. So cute. First of all, if I were to just wander down to baggage claim without finding him, where exactly would I go after that? I’m kind of relying on him for the transportation thing.

I called him back and said, Not to worry! I’m not off the plane yet, that’s why you haven’t seen me. I’ll find you!

When I finally got there, he had a big smile and a big hug waiting for me. He was also holding these……


He’s awesome.  After the last few weeks, I needed nothing else but to see my family, sit around, and reeeelax.  But this?  Made me smile so big and realize…..I’m *home*. Yessss.

December 8, 2008

Hey Delta, Suck It

Filed under: home,learning,stress,travel — by heatherdc @ 11:37 pm

I just spent almost two hours on the phone, with an airline.  If you can think of one thing that sounds worse than that, for two hours,  please let me know. It will make me feel better.

This time of the year will involve lots of travel, it’s inevitable. I live on this side of the country, and my home is on the other side. That little fact alone means that the airlines control me. They decide if I go home, or if I don’t. And it’s far too often that I wonder, I mean really, how bad could the drive be??! In comparison to the shit they come up with, I’m not sure it’d be toooo bad.  At least it would be on my terms, on my time, and I’d get there when I decide to get there. You know, accounting for traffic and everything. Which I would also control. Obviously.

Seriously though. My Expedia itinerary has a little “American Airlines” logo next to each flight, inbound and outbound. I called to see what it would cost me to change my flight so I’m leaving a few days later. Guess what AA told me?…………..I have an American FLIGHT, but a Delta TICKET. Aha, you say. Wait. No. That makes absolutely Zero sense. They tell me that to change my flight, I must call Delta. Who in turn tells me that I’m on an American flight, and I need to call American. And you can see where this is going.


I do not put up with this debauchery.

And I wont make you read about it either. Long story—>Short. I have changed my flight. I have two extra days at home, which means I have breathing time between driving home from Pasadena (for the ROSE BOWL GAME!! yup.), and flying 1400 miles to Baltimore. Sweet. Believe it or not, that makes it worth it.

Here’s where you come in. If I ever, Ever…..EVER…talk about buying a plane ticket from Expedia again, please reach your hands through this computer screen and wave them insanely until I stop. Please. Re-direct me to Southwest, where the employees are sane. Where they do logical things, like book your flights and put you on them in a timely fashion. Where there are rarely delays, and where they will gladly change your flight for an extra day at home. Only costing you the difference between the flights. Yes, you have to wait in line “A”, “B” or “C” to pick out your seat….I’m not so crazy about that concept (hmm…do they still do that?)…but what the F ever. I can deal.

Um. Anyway. I did get my extra two days, and I am pretty pumped about it.  So, thanks for that. I guess.

August 13, 2008

This used to be my playground

Filed under: home,Summer times — by heatherdc @ 8:14 am

The boys are back in town! (ooh, the old song references are flyin). After 10 days in Panama for vacation, my buddies have returned.

A. & I  sat at our usual booth in Chili’s last night with our usual drinks. We watched Michael Phelps win yet another race, with that look of “Yah, I told ya so” on his face. Seriously, not one bit excited or surprised. Just, yup, I knew it. But thats okay, I guess when you hold the record for highest medals received, you can do things like that. Whatev Mikey, just keep swimming.

An hour later, the boys finally showed up. Due to their fashionably late entrance, and the fact that “Last call” on a week day here is like eleven (ehhhh), they just ordered two rounds straight up. A. & I happily sipped on, and we ended up being the last people there.

So, we’re deciding where to go, somewhere to just ‘hang out’, and somebody suggests a park. Huh. That’s one I haven’t tried in a while. And by a while, I mean like being 17 and thinking Oooomg there’s nothing to do here. Park? Whatever. That was pretty much the same train of thought we were all having at 22 as well. Interesting.

We show up at our old elementary, just for kicks. And because they have all these ridiculous new playground things, and you could really be entertained for hours. Well, if you’re like 5. Or a little buzzed off a cosmo. Not gonna lie, I had a great time. Slides, monkey bars (those are haaard!), climbing around, sprinklers goin’ off, a glider thingy, etc. It was great. Certainly an upgrade or two from what we had back in the day, but still the same playground. Good times.

July 28, 2008

This is certainly no day “off”

Filed under: days off,home,Summer times — by heatherdc @ 1:04 am

We’re a liiittle short handed at the hospital lately. And by “a little short handed”, I mean we’ve basically been screwed in the last month. Two people quit in two weeks (completely unrelated, but still, Gaaah), one person is off on Maternity leave until September, and two people are on vacation right now. Um, this is not good.

Our July schedule has been redone about 10 times and I’m doing two jobs in one day most of the time. It’s a little ridiculous. And working Overtime hours seems to be more common than not. I’ve been lucky to still have my three days off for the last few weeks, not sure how I managed that one.

Tomorrow and Wednesday are my days “off” this week, but after making a little to-do list tonight I realized they will hardly be that. We have homework for the internship due on Friday, which I looked at tonight and wanted to scream. Yes, I’m aware it is my fault for leaving it til the last minute (ahhh how the F is almost August 1st already?!!). It will basically consume about half of my days off and the next few nights. Not. Fun.

Oh, and I had a few summer projects in the works…which are hardly close to being done. Remember how I wanted to redecorate the study? Yah, me neither. Want to what has been done? We bought the new book case and it’s sitting in the garage…still in the box. And we’ve cleaned out the study. Wheeew. Go us. But but but! I did see that the line of furniture we’re using is ON SALE at Target this week. Yayyy! We all know I take any excuse to go to Target. I’m happy.

I also started a College-Years scrapbook (not inspired by “Saved by the Bell: the college years”. Those were bad). It’s alllll Penn State and college wonderfulness. It’s been very fun to work on–obviously making me a little sad, and all kinds of nostalgic….but it also makes me so happy that I had such an amazing experience. So far I’m about half-way through my Sophomore year. Goooood times. The problem is that I want it finished before I leave because I know that I’ll have zero time to work on it once I start the program. Which gives me uhhh, 3 weeks? We’ll see.

Aaaand it’s still summer, right?? Barely, I know. I still want to read my book, and enjoy cooking fun dinners with my mom (and a drink), and go out once or twice with my buddies. And keep running (the one thing I manage to get done every time I want to. Good thing I have my priorities straight here.), and continue watching all seasons of S&TC (the Madre saw the movie, but has never seen the show. this has been fun!), and hang out with the siblings before I head back East, and Relaaaax. While I still can.

Hmmm. Wish me luck.

July 2, 2008

Just a few rain drops

Filed under: home,weather — by heatherdc @ 1:22 am

I’ve been home for over a month, and today…for the first time…it rained.

The night sky has been a dark grey for the past week or so, teasing us with the smell of rain, but never delivering. I thought after four years of Pennsylvania weather, I would never care if I felt rain again. I forgot what the desert can do to you…..

Just the smell made me wish it would just start spontaneously pouring. As much as I actually hate when it does that (what if you’re out?! what if you forgot your umbrella and you get soaked?! what iiiiif? ugh.), I do miss the rain.

I spent most of the morning sitting on our deck with my crossword and my new book. It was a clear blue sky and a verryyyy warm 100 degrees. Around three o’clock the clouds started rolling in from the North. I could smell it. Fresh rain, on its way. The lightning was going, the wind started up–everything in the mix for the perfect summer storm.

This is what makes the desert so different. It was like two completely different days. Morning-hot desert sun, no wind and not a cloud in sight. Then….all of a sudden, it’s there.

My Mom and I decided to go for a walk, hoping (actually, assuming) it wouldn’t rain. Since, uh, it never does.

As we finished and started walking up the hill to our house, I was a little disappointed. I thought maaaybe, just maybe, we would get at least a few drops. And I said “I’m kinda sad it never rained…”.

Cue: HUGE rain drops. Falling. On me. Yesssssss.

It started dripping, and then actually raining. Huge, huuge rain drops. Coming straight down and dotting the sidewalk. It was beautiful. In perfect desert fashion, it lasted about 2 minutes, and stopped. But, oh, did it feel good.

June 25, 2008

I don’t even have clubs…

Filed under: days off,family,home — by heatherdc @ 1:42 am

Golf clubs. I don’t have them. Why would I use them? Well, I wouldn’t. So instead, I’ll borrow them. Just for today.

My Dad loves to golf-he’s pretty good at it actually, winning a few tournaments here and there. On one of his days “off” you can always find him at the golf course, and if there’s any major tournament going on (Tiger is a cutie, that’s all I know about “major tournaments”) then he’s definitely watching it on TV.

My older brother and younger sister (yup, I’m in the middle) have both started to aquire some….hmm…skills? They go to school together and have hit the course up a few times.

Where does this leave me? It leaves me as the last child, of us three, who hasn’t picked up the sport. I’m the only one who has Never walked an entire golf course. Although, I do feel like I should acknowledge that I have traveled an entire golf course… the cart. My sis and I used to go with my dad on Sunday afternoons, just so we could “drive” the cart. Before you have a driver’s license, this was the next best thing!! I got such a kick out of driving those small white things all around. With one universal key that started all of them, it’s a wonder I didn’t just run off with one to have for my own. Nothing was stopping me….if you think about it…..except morals, maybe? Yes, that must’ve been it. Geeze, such a good kid.

Anywayyyy. My Dad and I both have the day off tomorrow…sooo…I have finally agreed to a game. There’s a Par 3 course here, and thats as far as we’re goin’ right now. Don’t want to get too crazy over here. I’m assuming my score will be around..oohh, you know…the 90s….maybe 100s? Yah, that sounds about right.

I’ll keep ya posted on that….


June 19, 2008

The Hole in My Closet

Filed under: home,shopping — by heatherdc @ 1:27 am

I currently have, in my possession (on loan from one of my bestest buddies), ALL Six seasons of Sex & the City.

My mom saw the movie and actually liked it (which shocked me a little bit), so I’m making her start from Day 1. So far so good, although I did forget how…umm…risqué?… the first few episodes are. A little awkward for Mom-bonding time, but whatev. All in the name of a fabulous show, right? Right.

Watching the girls shop, and be in fabulous clothes, and strut around in their Manolo’s….just a small reminder of the fact that there is absolutely NO decent shopping to speak of within at least a 100 mile radius of this town. Seriously. You think I’m exaggerating…I am Not. The closest decent malls are at least 3 hours away, and the closest amazing malls are about 6-7 hours. Depending on which direction you go (Denver, Phoenix, Dallas….you know). This is the only problem with the West Coast. Everything is soooo freakin spreeead out. Cities are not within an hour or two of each other, you can’t just hop around on a train and get somewhere as soon as possible. It just doesn’t work like that. Apparently the early settlers decided they had a lot of space to work with, and they might as well take advantage of it. And they did just that.

Anyway! I’m getting side-tracked. I had this sudden urge to go shopping today. I wanted a cute new dress (although Target can sometimes satisfy a bargain-craving…it just doesn’t do the trick every time). I want some fun new summery tops. I want big stores, and lots of choices.

Even watching “What Not to Wear” this morning got to me (yes! I finally figured out what time it comes on here. Oh, math+time zones. Gah).  All those shops and $5,000 to spend and cute cute cute clothes!! TLC-what are you doing to me?! Not fair.

I’ve resorted to some online shopping tonight, which I’m totally in love with. Browsing page after page without moving a muscle. Genius. And clicking ‘Add to My Cart’ over and over….essentially just creating a wishlist that will dissappear as soon as I close the browser and forget about it.    It’s not going to satisfy any of the above “cravings”, but it’ll at least subdue them for now.

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